The Advantages of Brick-Style Coding Robots for STEM Education

February 8, 2023
STEM Education
whalesbot as robotics kit

STEM education has become increasingly important in our world today.

With the rise of automation and technology, students need to be equipped with the skills and knowledge to enter the workforce prepared. One way to provide them with such advantageous training is through STEM toys like brick-style coding robots. These types of toys offer numerous benefits that make them a great tool for STEM education.

One of the primary advantages of brick-style coding robots is that they offer a hands-on learning experience that is both fun and engaging. Children learn through play, and brick-style coding robots are designed with this theory in mind. Children can engage with the toy and experiment with it, trying out different coding sequences and seeing the impact on the robot's movements. The tangibility of building with bricks and then seeing the movement of the robot provides a more immersive experience, making learning fun and engaging.

Additionally, brick-style coding robots introduce children to programming concepts that can be essential for future careers. These robots make use of a visual, block-style programming language, which is user-friendly and easy to understand. Children learn to create sequences of steps that tell the robot what to do, creating a foundation for an early understanding of syntax and programming languages. This early introduction to programming concepts and terminology can help children better understand programming languages and be better prepared for future technological careers.

Another significant advantage of brick-style coding robots is that they help to develop children's critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The visual interface of these robots allows children to see the connection between code and the resulting movements of the robot. This means that they can experiment with different coding sequences to see the impact on the outcomes. The real-time feedback allows for a deeper understanding of how programming and coding work. Additionally, when the robot malfunctions, children must use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to troubleshoot and identify the problem.

Brick-style coding robots are designed with building blocks that are easily put together and taken apart to make different creations. This modularity allows children to develop design thinking by manipulating the structure of the robot to make it do different things. Children can learn to break down complex problems into simple parts, find solutions, and then build the robot or create code to solve the problem. This approach develops a child's logical reasoning, mental organization, and spatial awareness.

Lastly, brick-style coding robots promote teamwork and collaboration. When working with a coding robot, children can work individually or in groups to develop different parts of the robot's function. The toy encourages children to work together by holding them responsible for different aspects of the robot. This creates a collaborative environment that develops communication skills and helps children appreciate the value of diverse minds when solving problems.

Brick-style coding robots offer numerous benefits that make them a great tool for STEM education. They provide an interactive, hands-on learning experience, introduce children to programming concepts, and promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The modularity of the robots allows children to develop design thinking and spatial awareness. Additionally, the toy encourages teamwork and collaboration, promoting communication skills and appreciating diversity. By using brick-style coding robots in schools or at home, we can prepare the next generation of technology experts to be better equipped to take on the challenges of the future.