Coding Languages: A Short History of How We Make Machines Work

STEM Education
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In today's digital age, coding has become an essential skill. It powers everything from our smartphones to complex robotics systems. But have you ever wondered how coding came to be? Do you know how it grew into the languages we use today?

Coding has a rich history. It started long before the computers we know now. In this blog, we'll take a journey through time. We'll look at how coding languages began and how they changed over the years. Here's what we'll cover:

- The first attempts at making machines follow instructions

- Early coding languages and how they worked

- Popular coding languages today and why we use them

- How AI is changing the way we code

- New ways to teach coding to kids

By the end of this post, you'll have a clear picture of how coding grew from simple machine instructions to the powerful tools we use today. You'll also see how these changes affect how we teach coding in schools. Let's start our journey into the world of coding languages!

What was the first programming language?

Programming can be traced back to the early 19th century, with the invention of punched cards. In 1804, Joseph Marie Jacquard revolutionized the textile industry with his Jacquard loom, which used punched cards to control the weaving of complex patterns. Fast forward to 1833, when Charles Babbage began work on his Analytical Engine. While never fully realized in his lifetime, this mechanical design incorporated the use of punched cards for inputting data and instructions, inspired by Jacquard loom.

However, it wasn't until 1843 that we saw the first true machine algorithm. Ada Lovelace, often regarded as the world's first programmer, wrote a note when translating a book about Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine. The note explains how to calculate Bernoulli numbers with this engine, which marked the birth of programming.

As we moved into the 20th century, early coding languages began to emerge:

1. Plankalkül: Developed by Konrad Zuse in the early 1940s, this was the first high-level programming language designed for computers. This language acts as the cornerstone for future languages.

2. Autocode: Created at the University of Manchester in 1950s, Autocode was the first language that could be translated into machine code, making it easier for programmers to write and debug their program.

3. ALGOL: ALGOL is a group of computer programming languages that first came out in 1958. Its name is short for "Algorithmic Language". ALGOL was very important and influenced many other programming languages. For over 30 years, it was the main way to write out algorithms in computer science books and papers. ALGOL was so important that it helped create other famous programming languages like Pascal, Java, C, and C++.

These early languages paved the way for the rich ecosystem of coding tools we have today.

How did mid-level and high-level programming languages develop?

As computers became more powerful and widespread, the need for more efficient and user-friendly programming languages grew. This led to the development of middle-level and high-level programming languages, which allowed programmers to write code that was closer to human language and more abstracted from machine code.

Let's explore some key middle-level and high-level languages that shaped the coding landscape:

1. C (1972): Developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Telephone Laboratories, C quickly became one of the most influential programming languages. Its efficiency and flexibility made it ideal for system programming and application development.

2. SQL (1972): Created by Raymond Boyce and Donald Chamberlain, SQL (Structured Query Language) revolutionized database management and remains a crucial tool in data handling today.

3. C++ (1983): Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs developed C++ as an extension of C, adding object-oriented features. It became widely used in system/application software, drivers, client-server applications, and embedded firmware.

4. Python (1991): Guido Van Rossum's creation, Python, has become one of the most popular languages due to its simplicity and versatility. It's widely used in STEM education, data science, and artificial intelligence.

5. Java (1995): Developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems, Java's "write once, run anywhere" philosophy made it a go-to language for cross-platform development.

6. PHP (1995): Rasmus Lerdorf's Personal Home Page Tools, later renamed PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, became a cornerstone of web development.

7. Go (2009): Created by Google, Go aimed to combine the ease of programming of an interpreted, dynamically typed language with the efficiency and safety of a statically typed, compiled language.

These middle-level and high-level languages brought numerous advantages to the world of coding and STEM education:

- Improved readability: Middle-level and high-level languages use more human-readable syntax, making code easier to understand and maintain.

- Increased productivity: Programmers can write complex programs more quickly, as middle-level and high-level languages handle many low-level details automatically.

- Enhanced portability: Many middle-level and high-level languages can run on different types of computers with little or no modification.

- Better debugging: Middle-level and high-level languages often come with built-in debugging tools, making it easier to find and fix errors.

What are the most popular programming languages today?

The world of programming is always changing. New languages appear, and older ones evolve. Let's look at the most popular coding languages right now and why they matter for learning and working with technology.

1. Python

  - Widely used in data science, AI, and web development

  - Uses a syntax more similar to natural language, easiest to understand

  - Great for beginners and experts alike

2. JavaScript

  - The main language for making websites interactive

  - Works on both the front-end (what users see) and back-end (server-side) of websites (Node.js expands JavaScript's capabilities on the server side)

  - Popular in coding bootcamps and web development courses

3. Java

  - Often used for building large, complex applications

  - Popular in Android app development

  - Teaches important programming concepts like object-oriented programming

4. C

  - One of the oldest programming languages still widely used today

  - Used for creating operating systems, databases, and other systems

  - Important for understanding how computers work at a fundamental level

  - Often taught in computer science courses to give students a strong foundation

5. C++

  - An extension of C that adds features for object-oriented programming

  - Widely used in game development, system software, and applications that need high performance

6. C#

  - Mainly used for making Windows applications, mobile applications, and games

  - Works well with the Unity game engine, which is popular in schools for teaching game design

7. Go

  - Ideal for developing distributed network services, cloud-native applications, and microservices architecture due to its concurrency model, portability, and efficient deployment

  - Growing use in web development, cross-platform applications, and systems programming

8. Swift

  - Apple's language for making iOS and macOS apps

  - Designed to be safe, fast, and expressive

9. Kotlin

  - A newer language that's becoming popular for Android app development

  - Designed to be more concise and safer than Java

10. Scratch

   - Not a traditional text-based language, but very popular in schools

   - Uses a visual block-based system to teach coding concepts

   - Great for introducing programming to young children

How are coding languages used in modern technology?

Coding languages are very important in our world today. They are used in almost all the technology we use. From the apps on our smartphones to the complex systems running smart cities, coding languages help make our modern world work. Let’s look at how these languages are applied in different areas:

1. Web Development

  - Front-end development primarily uses languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create interactive and responsive websites.

  - Back-end development employs languages like Python, Ruby, PHP, and Java to handle server-side operations and database management.

  - There are also some full-stack frameworks that allow developers to work on both front-end and back-end using a single language.

2. Mobile App Development

  - iOS apps are typically developed using Swift or Objective-C.

  - Android apps are primarily built with Java or Kotlin.

  - Cross-platform frameworks like React Native (JavaScript) and Flutter (Dart) enable developers to create apps for multiple platforms using a single codebase.

3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  - Python is the most popular language in this field, thanks to libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn.

  - R is widely used for statistical computing and data analysis.

  - Java and C++ are used for performance-critical AI applications.

4. Internet of Things (IoT)

  - C and C++ are commonly used for programming microcontrollers in IoT devices.

  - Known for its simplicity and extensive libraries, Python is popular for rapid prototyping and data-intensive applications in IoT.

  - JavaScript (via Node.js) is used for creating web interfaces for IoT devices.

5. Game Development

  - C++ runs in game engines like Unreal or Unity, and is popular among AAA titles.

  - C# is the popularly used by those who use Unity as the game engine.

  - Lua is known for its lightweight and cross-platform nature, and is also often used in game development.

6. Data Science and Analytics

  - Python and R are the most popular languages for data analysis, visualization, and machine learning.

  - SQL is crucial for database management and querying.

What are visual programming languages and how do they work?

We've talked about many popular coding languages that use text to write programs. But did you know there are other ways to code too? One of these is called “visual programming languages”, or “VPLs” for short. Instead of typing words and symbols, VPLs let you create programs by moving around visual elements on a screen. This makes coding more like putting together a puzzle or drawing a picture. Here’re some types of VPLs:

1. Block-based Languages

  - Examples: Scratch, Blockly, Snap!

  - How they work: Users drag and drop pre-defined blocks that represent coding concepts (like loops, conditions, and functions) to create programs.

  - Applications: Widely used in educational settings, coding toys, and STEM kits for children.

2. Flowchart-based Languages

  - Examples: Raptor, Flowgorithm

  - How they work: Programs are created by connecting shapes that represent different programming operations, similar to traditional flowcharts.

  - Applications: Often used to teach algorithmic thinking and program flow.

3. Drag-and-drop Interfaces

  - Examples: MIT App Inventor, Thunkable

  - How they work: Users create applications by dragging UI elements onto a canvas and defining their behavior through low-code or non-code programming.

  - Applications: Popular for teaching APP development to beginners.

4. Node-based Programming

  - Examples: Unreal Engine's Blueprints, Unity's Visual Scripting

  - How they work: Programs are created by connecting nodes that represent functions or data, allowing for complex behavior without traditional coding.

  - Applications: Commonly used in game development and interactive media creation.

How is AI (especially LLM) changing coding?

In recent years, we've seen big changes in artificial intelligence (AI). A big breakthrough has been the development of Large Language Models (LLMs). These are AI systems trained on huge amounts of text data, and can understand and generate human-like text on almost any topic. You might have heard of some famous LLMs like ChatGPT or Claude. These AI advances are changing how we interact with computers, and also how we write code. Let's look at some AI-assisted coding tools:

1. GitHub Copilot

  - Developed by GitHub and OpenAI

  - Uses machine learning to suggest code completions and entire functions based on context

  - Supports multiple programming languages and integrates with popular code editors

2. ChatGPT, Claude, and Similar LLMs

  - Can generate code snippets, explain programming concepts, and help debug issues

  - Provides a conversational interface for coding assistance

  - Useful for both beginners learning to code and experienced developers seeking solutions

3. Cursor

  - Supports smart code completion and generation, predicting your next edits and fixing mistakes as you type

  - Provides an AI chat feature that understands your codebase, allowing you to ask questions, reference code, and get up-to-date information from the web

  - With hotkeys like Ctrl+K, it enables quick code edits, generation of new code, and even translation of plain English into terminal commands.

AI tools are changing how we write code. Like any new technology, these tools have both good and bad sides. Is AI-assisted coding a helpful tool or a potential problem? Researchers from Microsoft Research has studied what it is like to program with AI. Let’s take a look.

Good Things About AI-Assisted Coding

1. Makes Coding Easier:

o AI can suggest code, making writing programs faster.

o It can help with repetitive tasks, letting developers focus on harder problems.

2. Helps Learning:

o New coders can learn by seeing how AI writes code.

o It can explain coding concepts, like a virtual tutor.

3. Increases Productivity:

o Developers can write more code in less time.

o AI can help find and fix simple errors quickly.

4. Supports Creativity:

o AI can suggest new ways to solve problems.

o It can help developers try out ideas faster.

5. Accessible to Non-Experts:

o People who aren't professional coders can use AI to create simple programs.

o This could lead to more people being able to build software.

Challenges with AI-Assisted Coding

1. Getting the Request Right:

o It can be hard to explain exactly what you want the AI to do.

o If you don't ask in the right way, you might not get useful code.

2. Checking the Code:

o AI can make mistakes, so developers need to carefully check its work.

o This checking takes time and skill.

3. Inconsistent Results:

o AI doesn't always give the same answer to the same question.

o This can make it hard to rely on for consistent code.

4. Relying Too Much on AI:

o Developers might depend too much on AI and lose some coding skills.

o This could be a problem if they need to work without AI help.

5. Bias in the Code:

o AI can sometimes create unfair or biased code if it was trained on biased data.

o This could lead to programs that don't work well for everyone.

6. Economic Impact:

o Some worry that AI might replace some coding jobs.

o It could change what skills are needed in the tech industry.

7. Security Worries:

o AI might accidentally create code with security problems.

o Hackers could potentially use AI to find weak spots in programs.

What innovative approaches are being used to teach coding to kids?

As the importance of coding skills continues to grow, educators and companies are developing innovative tools and methods to make coding more engaging and accessible for children. These approaches often combine hands-on learning with digital technologies, creating a fun and interactive learning experience. As we developed age-appropriate STEM solutions for youth, we also try some innovative coding methods in our products:

Magnetic Coding Blocks

o Electronic building blocks that integrating coding concepts into sensors or actuators

o Children can connect these blocks together to create simple programs

o Recommended product: A7

Coding Pen and Cards

o A coding pen and coding cards of various colors, with each color representing a command type

o Children tap the coding pen onto the coding cards to input commands

o Recommended products: U20 Pro, B3 Pro

Coding Pad

o Tablet-like device with different colors of buttons, with each color indicating a command type. The pad’s screen shows the input commands.

o Children press the buttons in sequence to input a whole series of commands.

o Recommended products: S30, D3 Pro

Modular Programming

o Changing programs into visualized, manageable modules on the APP

o Children open the APP and connect the modules to design programs.

o Often implemented in visual programming environments

o Recommended product: E7 Pro

Coding Software that Integrates Scratch, C, and Python

o Drag-and-drop Scratch coding, and also text-based C and Python

o Children use Scratch to build programs, while checking the C and Python version of the program in the right-side panel in real time. They can also switch to C code editor and Python code editor in the same software.

o Recommended products: S40, AI Module 1s, AI Module 5s

As we continue to innovate in STEM education, these approaches to teaching coding are likely to evolve further. We hope this will prepare kids for a future where digital literacy becomes more and more important.


Coding languages keep changing. They grow as we grow. They shift as tech shifts. Each new language opens doors and sparks fresh thoughts. It lets us speak to machines in new ways. As we look to the future, it’s clear that coding will remain important in our world. By introducing children to coding through engaging, age-appropriate methods, we're empowering them to become active creators in the digital age.